#19: Explore possibility for internet pipe at hotel
 Reporter:  pfrields           |        Owner:  jsmith                          
     Type:  Task               |       Status:  new                             
 Priority:  normal             |    Milestone:  Tempe 2011: Hotel logistics 
Component:  FUDCon Tempe 2011  |   Resolution:                                  
 Keywords:  na-meeting         |  
Comment (by jsmith):

 I talked to my contact today.  His response is below:
 Have spoken to Juan.

 He believes there are 2 roof hatches on the south side of the building.
 One appears to be in the red box

 That being the case, a "peak mount" may work if there is LOS from the
 green diamond.

 I need to find somebody to get up on the roof, and I will call him back
 to schedule a time. Probably next week.

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/19#comment:17>
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