I confirm that I can not attend



2013/1/9 Robyn Bergeron <robyn.berge...@gmail.com>

> Ian,
> IIRC you said you have to manually remove folks who are not attending.
> Here is a list of the folks I know to not be attending, and I have
> spoken with all of them to confirm or they told me via email. They are
> all copied, so if for some reason I have misspoken about any of y'all,
> my apologies and I will give you a big hug at FUDCon as consolation.
> :D
> Peter Robinson
> Gent Thaci
> Steven Parrish
> Mark Terranova
> Luis Enrique Bazan de Leon
> Ian, can you take them out of the list, so we can fix it for headcount
> purposes?
> -Robyn

Luis Enrique Bazán De León
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