On Sat, 19 Mar 2005, Kurt Seifried wrote:

> > Don't forget that it's bad for the company's image to have confidential
> > customer data stolen. As soon as the press catches on it's bad for
> > business.
> > So, companies *do* have a drive to secure your private data.
> Uhhh no. See consumers such as yourself don't actually purchase services
> from choicepoint/etc (unless you're a Nigerian guy who is into ID theft =).
> Businesses do. And businesses don't care if choicepoint is secure or not,
> they care if choicepoint has the data. It's like Equifax, you don't buy
> information from them, companies you deal with do. These firms have no
> incentive to protect your information, because they'll never lose your
> business.
> Sorry to break it to you, but there are no market forces to drive these
> companies to better security.

Let alone the fact that peopoe, individuals, tend to ahve very short term
memories of such events, unless directly affected by the event.


Ron DuFresne
"Sometimes you get the blues because your baby leaves you. Sometimes you get'em
'cause she comes back." --B.B. King
        ***testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!***

OK, so you're a Ph.D.  Just don't touch anything.

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