Folks -

The following scheme looks like it could be helpful, apart from runtime cost
(which would tend to be limited since it is only where using human entered
data). Anyone see serious holes? Concur? Disagree? This seemed just crazy enough
to work when it occurred to me...

Glenn Everhart

As you know, blocking SQL injection with filters on characters is painful and
not always successful. I got thinking about it and thought of an approach
that might detect such activity, and which is pretty generic.

The idea is that SQL in web apps gets used by shoving some SQL command code
into a DBMS, tacking one or more user inputs (possibly edited) onto a prefix
part that is part of the app. In examples, this is often a SELECT statement
but in principle others could be used. Then after the input there will be
other stuff to complete the statement.

Normally when valid input is present, this gives legal SQL that does something.
However when there is SQL injection, generally you see the user input piece
being some condition to cause the initial statement to be legal all the time 
by whatever mischief is desired, followed by something to comment out whatever
else is there since it would otherwise make the whole not look legal.

If I want to detect SQL injection, one way to do it could be to put in the 
prefix and
the user piece, and follow it with some condition that will prevent the 
from working when valid input is present...the idea is to wind up with something

select password from users where user = '<user input>' and hell has frozen over 
and 1 = 0

(so the undisturbed statement will never be executed if valid input is present).
If you try to parse this with the user input and it comes out to be valid and 
ok to
execute, that would seem to indicate something strange is going on with <user 
and that an attack is going on.

Now a problem is that you don't want to allow your database to be corrupted with
some such attack before you can react, seeing that allowing your business to be 
and THEN complaining seems inadequate.  Even if there is nothing that will allow
such statements to be run in a test mode, though, they could be run against a 
database whose corruption would not matter. 

At any rate this seems like a technique worth a look as a way to detect 
mischief which
is at any rate different from character filters and could make apps a bit safer.

Glenn C. Everhart
18 April 2005

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a 
hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a 
wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act 
alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a 
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for 
insects. -R.A.H.

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