On Sun, 15 May 2005 01:39:23 EDT, Brian Anderson said:
> > On Sat, 14 May 2005 21:25:31 BST, James Tucker said:
> >>"There are no [X]" (benign worms)
> >>What like X = Aliens, conspiracies, deities?
> > Bring me an example of any one of those 4, and I'll believe in it.
> The Boy Scouts were in on the JFK plot.

OK.. You've brought an example of an *assertion*, so I'll believe you asserted 
it. :)

Now, can you produce an actual *example* of a Boy Scout who was in on the plot? 

Note that there *have* been plenty of *actual* conspiracies - in fact,
"conspiracy to commit <felony>" is one of the more common ways to get organized
crime leaders convicted and off the street.  The difference between those
conspiracies and the average one from the tinfoil-helmet brigade is the
differing amounts of evidence presented.

So John Gotti was involved in a number of conspiracies, including one to have
Paul Castellano murdered.  Probably somebody along the line has claimed that
Gotti was only acting on orders from the Trilateral Commission or the
Illuminati.  The difference is that Sammy "The Bull" Gravano was around to talk
about Gotti's conspiring to the murder, but as yet no reliable witness has
surfaced regarding the Illuminati tie-in....

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