On Fri, 29 Jul 2005, Jason Coombs wrote:

> Madison, Marc wrote:
> >  Am I missing something here, because it seems that two vulnerabilities
> > are being discussed, one is the IPv6 DOS
> > http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/707/cisco-sa-20050729-ipv6.shtml.  And
> > the other is Lynn presentation on shellcode execution via the IOS?
> Did you read the advisory? It is not solely a DoS threat.
> "Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS ) Software is vulnerable to a
> Denial of Service (DoS) and potentially an arbitrary code execution
> attack from a specifically crafted IPv6 packet."

being that we'll all be retired and all this equipment replaced by the
time IPv6 becomes standard the threat is not as great then as it was first
made out to be then, correct?


Ron DuFresne

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