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Thanks for all the feedback. I have always taken the poor mans
approach to this since its not really my job, but a fun hobby on
the side.

regards mike

On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 02:49:49 -0700 Peter Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> These were not submitted to any AV vendors since Norton did
>> flag them. In the past I have submitted unknown trojans/
>> viruses like these to Symantec when clients have been owned,
>> but what can I say they are hardly 0day more like 300 day.
>> http://www.bitsum.com/pec2.asp
>Yes, I already have this tool in my box. Pretty useful for first
>> Could you share your methodology on how you go about reverse
>> engineering/ disassembling a malicious piece of code that has
>> had a packer ran on it?
>There are many off-the self unpackers out there that will do the
>job just
>fine, but lately malware writters rather modify or use
>version of popular PE-packers. Either way a compressed binary will

>have to
>uncompress itself using the compressor stub in order to run. In
>order to
>unpack look for the call that jumps from the stub to unpacked
>code. When the
>jmp address is located modify so the jmp goes to esi. This will
>put the code
>in a loop. Next procdump.
>There are plenty of good tutorials. One of these are associated
>with IDA:
>I hope this helps you getting started.
>Peter Kruse
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