On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, waldo alvarez wrote:

> Hi Folks:
> I'm just landed here recently because of an e-mail in bugtrack. You
> know curiosity can take you to strange places. And jejej this list is
> great. Non moderation simply makes it great. Now the problem is. I
> sort mail arriving to my mailbox by category using filters. Now the
> only common thing that applies to all mails here is the
> [Full-disclosure] text in the subject. Everything else is a caos. The
> from fields sometimes don't have the fulldisclosure address. And on
> the other side I tried to sort using that text in the subject but it
> doesn't work at all sometimes messages land in the Fulldiclosure
> folder I have for this list but sometimes they land straigth into my
> inbox. And there is a total caos having so much traffic this list.
> Could anybody that solved this before gimme a hand telling me the
> solution for this. In any case I think this list should work in that
> sense like the rest of the lists.

Dear Waldo,

        Thank you for taking the time to fully disclose your email list
administration 0-day.  Now would you please call your local help desk to
ask how you should configure your goddamned mail filter?



J.A. Terranson

I like the idea of belief in drug-prohibition as a religion in that it is
a strongly held belief based on grossly insufficient evidence and
bolstered by faith born of intuitions flowing from the very beliefs they
are intended to support.

don zweig, M.D.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

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