----Original Message----
>From: Paul

> Not to mention this is hardly even assembly. This is like really ghetto
> assembly. In REAL assembly, there would be no ".if" statements. It's all
> cmp blah blah, jz, jnz, etc. Lot's more work. Also, there is no such
> thing as .invoke MessageBox. Give me a break. In real assembly, that code
> would be about 5 times longer.

  Umm, this really just suggests that you aren't aware of the past thirty
years worth of advances in assembler technology.  Assemblers have had macro
functionality since as far back as anyone can remember, your claim that a
programmer should write everything out longhand is just ridiculous.  It's
like suggesting that nobody should use "#define" in C because it's cheating.
And hey, don't use loops, write the instruction sequence over and over again
by hand.  Don't use subroutines either, that's cheating too!  Of course, in
my day, we had nothing but front panel switches, and we had to toggle them
with our bare teeth, and father would  make us get oop at six o'clock in 't
morning and conduct electricity to computer using our own arms and legs for
power cables........

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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