On 28/08/05, KF (lists) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great... thanks for the extra commentary. Now how about you both 
> STFU [..]


just lose the ego boosting at the expense of other list members,
contributors and lurkers alike?  The saddest part is that most parties actually
do have valuable experience and knowledge to contribute to the high
levels of professionalism that usually found here. But people wont take
them as seriously as their skills, experience, and knowledge deserve.

We all learn more from constructive peer review of mistakes. One 
tool contributor that stimulated a LOT of valuable insights is unlikely to
volunteer stuff here again because of the way people ripped into him.

Its fine to be right about something, even when everyone else *is*
ignorant or misguided. The mark of a professional is stimulating
scientific debate to produce better understanding for all.

Save the flaming for UseNet unmoderated groups and ( if you must )
private email. Passion is fine. Just direct it with rational thoughts
about what you hope to achieve socially by its expression!

It aint just about what you do. Its how you do it. Process not product.
A concept that security professionals understand already.

I want to hear from you *all*, OK? But play nice or corrective measures
are likely to be applied ( logic: I have no say in this matter ).

If that happens, then everyone loses. It denies "Full disclosure" and
makes hypocrites of us all!
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