Atte Peltomaki wrote:
I get it. This is a place where he gets to feel like a big man. A tough
guy. Fine. Whatever floats his boat.

While I'm not taking a stand in this issue, I would like to point out
that there are quite a few people on this list who push their egos by
putting down other people. 

Remember: Arguing on the Internet is like competing in special olympics.
	  (Even if you win, you're still retarded)

Security collects a lot of people like this. Whether male or female they are often pretty brazen. But remember that those of us who descended from 545 Tech Square were fond of calling people's ideas "bogus" way back when too, so there is historical precedent. So I don't worry about it and just figure it goes with the territory and all of that sort of stuff.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

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