Hey Paul,

What sort of info exactly are you looking for? Throughput figures, etc?

The difference you will notice in network performance between WEP 128 and WPA is
really minimal, to be honest with you, you shouldn't really notice any
performance hit at all. When it comes to WEP 64 and WEP 128, you shouldn't 
a difference either. As far as WEP 64, WEP 128, and WPA go, they all use RC4
encryption, the difference is that WPA uses TKIP as well as the RC4 encryption
method. When it comes to WPA2 though, you are talking about stronger encryption
methods such as AES, this may have a hit on your network throughput depending on
the hardware in use, but you will need pretty recent hardware to be using WPA2,
so theorecticaly you shouldn't notice too much difference here either.

This really begs the question though as to why you are even asking about WEP,
either 64 or 128? Care to ellaborate at all?

>On Wed Sep 14  7:16 , Paul Day [EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:
>>Does anyone have any real-world info/papers/figures on comparing the
>>performance of WEP64 vs 128 vs WPA vs WPA2 etc on recent-ish hardware? ie,
>>same hardware, different encryption methods, performance trade-offs from
>>each. Google's not being awfully helpful.
>>Thanks in advance. :)
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