: I don't appreciate you changing caps in my name.  I'm not 'spin'ing 
: anything - I addressed a specific question with an honest real-world 
: answer.  I did not include propaganda nor did I denounce any alternate 
: products.  There's no need to be a disrespectful ass.

A decade of close exposure to Windows boxen has destroyed your sense of 
humor. =( Hope you aren't sterile too.

: Absolutely, Win95 was a pain in the ass So was 98 and Me.  But I 
: disagree with the sentiment that it was solely due to MS code. Without 
: getting into specifics that no longer matter, surely they could have did 
: their part better to handle malformed input - but who was malform'ing 
: the input in the first place?

By this reasoning, we can blame all the hax0rs and security professionals 
for SQL injection, cross-site scripting, file inclusion, path disclosure, 
overflows and format string vulnerabilities too, right? Because hey, 
*they* provided the malformed input to the application in the first place!

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