Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:

>Well, I'm stumped. I mean, really stumped.
>I've had a host scanning my network for the past three days, and it
>initially looked like one of the automated scans we've all become so
>familiar with (unfortunately). Naturally, the automatic defense was
>engaged, and I thought that would be the end of it. Nope.
>It continues to send SYN packets, and although it's dropped off in attacks
>to the other machines, it still pounds at the doors of two of them. Those
>two machines have a couple of things in common: they are both running BIND
>9, and are both OpenBSD {mumble}.
>I've sent email off to the RIPE contacts for the IP (, and
>to the WHOIS contacts for the domain (, and to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as
>well. Nothing. If I take off the null routing on either of those machines,
>it immediately starts hammering at them, with no signs of cessation. I have
>considered just letting it finish, but I'm more concerned that there's a
>new variant on this moronic scan that doesn't know when to quit. I suspect
>that the continuation is because they are DNS servers, since I took the
>blocking off of one of the other machines also running OpenBSD, and the
>scanning did not resume (although I had expected it to).
>I'm at a loss. If anyone knows Italian (I don't), and can contact one of:
>or anyone at, please, let them know that the machine is
>compromised, and that they need to take it off line, and clean it up.
>TIA and all that.
>There are two ways, my friend, that you can be rich in life.
>One is to make a lot of money and the other is to have few needs.
>William Sloane Coffin, "Letters to a Young Doubter"
>Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
I'm italian, if you want, send to me the text of the email for:


and I will take care myself of the translation.


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