shenanigans wrote in 
> I was interested in getting feedback from current mail group users.
> We have mirrored your mail list in a new application that provides a more
> aggregated and safe environment which utilizes the power of broadband.

  "Utilizes the power of broadband"?  What a heap of marketing wankspeak!

> v 1.5 is a web 2.01 community webapp. Our newest version adds
> broadcast video and social networking such as favorite authors and an
> html editor.
> It?s free to join and any feedback would be appreciated.
> S. says:
 Your Firefox browser may not be set up correctly or it may need the 
required plugin. Please click support to configure your browser or find out 
what browsers we support and how.Support Page. If support page is not 
helpful please contact us
------------------------end quote------------------------

  So I go look at the support page, and it's full of download this, run 
that, allow the other to install, open holes in your firewall, all in order 
to allow what it persists in describing as "your broadband webapp".  As if 
the app is in someway related to the kind of cable that carries the traffic.

  Sorry, no way on earth am I gonna run your wretched java virus/trojan just 
in order to get the opportunity to have marketing bullshit rammed down my 
throat.  It's utter GARBAGE to claim that installing some completely unknown 
java application is somehow a "safe environment" compared to reading plain 
text emails.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today.... 

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