On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 14:08 -0600, womber wrote:
> Who is the "Inland" Revenue service?

The Inland Revenue is what we've referred to our equivalent of the
(american) IRS as since 1849, when it was formed as part of the Inland
Revenue Board Act. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inland_Revenue)

In April it became HM Revenue and Customs
(http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/menus/aboutmenu.htm), so techically it no longer

> What if I already paid the "Coastal" Revenue service.

Then, chances are, you were taken in by a phishing attack, because as
far as I'm aware, no such organisation exists. :P

 - James.

James (njan) Eaton-Lee | 10807960
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