On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, Jamie C. Pole wrote:

Well, for one thing, I am a veteran, and have EARNED these rights that you liberal whiners take for granted. When you believe in something enough to die for it, come back and talk to me.

I'm a veteran as well. 6 years in the US Navy: 1987 through 1993.

I served during Gulf War I aboard the ship that fired the second shots of the war (although the press got it wrong by about 20 minutes and reported them as the first shots) and was the US force closest to Kuwait the day it was invaded by Iraq. We were 75 miles of its coast.

I remember being woken up at an ungodly hour of the morning that day by the ship going to General Quarters and working in the guts of the broken missile launcher that was the ship's long range air defense repairing it while some hundreds of planes of unknown intent were flying south towards us the next day (after having been woken up by another call to General Quarters that morning).

Now go to hell.

Benjamin Franz
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