Chris Umphress wrote:

I suppose I could argue on either side of that fence. In my mind,
Abraham was there early, so the Israelites were re-claiming their
land. Interesting viewpoint, though.

I had to respond to this...

Stating that it's because Abraham was "there" so long ago and thus the modern-day Israelites have a right to it is utter bullshit of the lowest order.

I'm part Native American. You don't see me kicking people off of my ancestral land. And the clear difference in this case is that I can actually prove that it was mine before it was yours. Modern day Israelites don't have that luxury and, in fact, if you traced back the family trees, I dare say that a large percentage (99%) would be unable to trace their way to Abraham even if they could go back that far.

And you know what? I know that some stupid jackass is going to call me an antisemite because I made the statement that their fictitious claim to the land was wrong. And I really don't care. I have no problem with the concept of Israel. What I have a problem with is some pathetic fuck thinking thing 6,000 years ago, someone gave him the right to not share the land with other people. That those same pathetic fucks thought it was a good idea to displace a group of people who had lived on the land for a LONG time because of what amounts to a political handout. The irony is that many of the people that we now refer to as Palestinians wallow on land that is devoid of resources. One of the biggest issues plaguing that region is resource distribution. The land that became Israel was rich with certain resources that the Palestinian lands have less of. How many Palestinians have died in poverty because of this one issue? Why must the Jews be content to create their own holocaust of neglect in the desert? I happen to think that a Jewish homeland is a good idea. But why do people have to die for it?

And the more general cry of Why the hell can't people just learn to get along together rather than being assholes to one another?

Look, there's no innocent party to this particular conflict, but some groups of people are getting shafted. Claiming land deeds you can't prove does no one any good.


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