quoth the Red Leg:

> > I am loathe to contribute to this OT thread, but I just wanted to mention
> > that as a non-American, I am much more fearful of actions from the US
> > than Iraq/Iran/dirkadirkastan etc etc...
> Hey I'm loathe to read your shit, too. So, we're even.
> Have you been watching our elections in the U.S. lately (polls don't
> count--talk about rigging...)? Does it look like Americans give a damn
> about what the rest of you assholes think? Of course not. Why? Because you
> sorry bastards fucked up the world during your free reign on earth during
> the colonial times. We're in Iraq right now because you stupid assholes
> fucked it up during World War I. And now, you have the unmitigated gall to
> make accusations against the United States? You fools screwed up the entire
> world, and when the U.S. tries to unfuck the fuckups you people caused, we
> get called on the carpet by the same idiots who created the mess in the
> first place.
> You morons can't even handle your own affairs without U.S. Help. Bosnia is
> just one example of the typical crap that you have put Americans through
> since World War I. We were perfectly happy to sell you idiots the gunpowder
> to blow yourselves to Kingdom Come, but no you had to drag us into your
> friggin messes.
> So, cry like little babies when we have nukes and threaten to kick you
> sorry asses when you try to sell them to the Iranians.
> For those of you Europeans and other that are helping us straighten out the
> world, please understand that there is so much that we can take from
> incompetent, arrogant morons.
> Peace on Earth - Through STRENGTH
> Pax Americana!

Thanks guy,

you made my point way better than I ever could have...


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