There is that large "turd nugget" again. Seems people like to throw around the "if you don't like it get out" I'm of the opinion and inclination that if I don't like something, I'll change, but only on my terms, not yours or your silly rabbit of a leader

Exibar, I assume that's a made up name; sorta like Zap Zoid.

In the Country I choose to reside I'm allowed to vote, eat Mcdonalds watch porn and all sorts of other things because my countrymen fought for the right to do so! They didn't fight an International War, they fought a war on their own SOIL for the freedoms that you and many others enjoy today.

People from my country are taking up a collection for you and the other nuck futz Mr. Google XSS Man himself so that you can throw your turd nuggets around on your own mailing list. We have roughly 2 nickles thus far as many simply didn't feel you were worth the sweat off their brow. Many simply decided to spend their hard earned nickles on pints of beer, porn and Mcdonalds.

Why would anyone Else's government do anything about it. Isn't that why your ancestors escaped Europe, to flee religious persecution and pursue happiness.  Who saved your ass when the British were coming? Your fore fathers stood up and said NO more. Well, maybe not your fore father.

U.K. is helping with what? Don't speak to loudly, Blair is already on his way out of office for his involvement with your silly rabbit leader.

The U.N. does not support this war your silly leader

On 12/29/05, Exibar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am sick and tired of posts like this....I don't see any else's government doing a damn thing about it, at least we're friggin DOING SOMETHING..... While other countries sit blindly on their rear-ends....  Ok, that's not entirely fair, UK is helping and so are a few others, you know what would happen if we all pulled out?  Chaos...  total chaos..... 
I don't care if we attacked Iraq because Saddam has hemorrhoids on his asshole... He was a cold blooded killer and deserves what he'll get in trial.... someone had to have the balls to stand up and bring him to justice.....
If you're not happy with the war in Iraq tell someone who really friggin cares, if you're not happy with your country move the freak out or change it, if your not happy with my country, tell someone who cares, and stay the freak out of it......oh and while your at it, stop watching any movie that is made here, stop eating McDonalds, BurgerKing, stop using our products... if you don't like us why use anything that was made here or by an American????
  Don't bother replying on list, or at all really, I'll not pollute this list worse than this one message on this subject and won't get pulled into a "my country is better than your country" argument either.....
----- Original Message -----
From: zap zoid
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure][WAY OFF TOPIC] complaints about the governemntspying!

Since when did Iraq have terrorists? I thought you guys were going in to rid them of weapons of mass instruction.

After nearly 16 years and your government still has yet to find these so called weapons. I have more mitre listings then Iraq has weapons op Mass instruction....


On 12/29/05, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--On December 29, 2005 11:21:09 PM +0100 fok yo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Paul!
>       What do you think about obeying the list charter and at least try
> to tie your degenerate apologist misrepresentations of the world into
> information security somehow?
> Can't but second this.
Interesting charter.  Folks can blather on and on about how bad the US is,
how evil Bush is, make all sorts of outrageous, unsupportable claims, but
the first time someone calls them on it, we cry, "Wah, wah, you're not
obeying the charter!"

I understand you guys like to spew this crap unimpeded.  I just enjoy
throwing a monkey wrench in the works every now and then.  Don't like it?
Then shut up and go back to discussing security issues.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member
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