Hand j.a. a cup or coffee

Randall M  


[-----Original Message-----
[[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
[Of J.A. Terranson
[Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 2:10 AM
[To: Full-Disclosure
[Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] blocking Google Desktop
[On Fri, 10 Feb 2006, Line Noise wrote:
[> I'm still trying to help them understand why stuffing a "Chat"
[> (mis)feature into gmail is a problem. No way to turn it off, 
[and each 
[> account that gets it, starts up with it enabled. Oh, boy, I really 
[> want the world to know when I'm "on line" (especially when it 
[> helpfully adds every person who sends you email to your "Contacts"
[> list).  So far, I've received an email from them, patting me on the 
[> head, and telling me that I need to read the help menus better.
[> "Disable" and "Off" seem not to be in their vocabulary.
[I just love these /rants!
[Yes boys and girls, it is not safe to hand your mission 
[critical data to ANY third party.
[If your data is sensitive, keep it home.
[If you don't like Google's email "features", you have a choice 
[you know.
[       (Hint: GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!)
[Yes, it really is THAT EASY to fully protect yourself against 
[all this Google Evil <lmao!>  Just Say No.
[The town criers who are sounding the alarms are just 
[ludicrous.  My favorites are the folks who are bitching and 
[moaning, and are performing this parade FROM GMAIL ACCOUNTS!
[We certainly need FD as to what these products *DO*.  
[Discussion of how it works is totally appropriate, but the 
["evil google doesn't want to give me an off button" bullshit 
[is pointless.  And while it may be entertaining to see how 
[many "Security Professionals" (insert SANS or other 
[Pay-For-Play meaningless but very expensive set of initials 
[here) can't figure out how to simply Say No to a product they 
[don't like, it's still a horrific waste of bandwidth.  Even 
[worse, it attracts posts like this one - where every asshole 
[who meets any of the above descriptions will want his or her 
["shot" at this post.  Have at it - it's all yours for the 
[taking, I don't give a shit enough to respond, so have a 
[party.  Invite the idiot in the white house, I hear he's 
[feeling unloved today :-)
[J.A. Terranson
["What The United States *really* needs to win it's War On Some 
[(but not allied) Terrorists is a good old fashioned Nuclear Enema."
[Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
[Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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