Not to say that I am a homosexual, but shouldn't you choose a different title for your emails? Surely there are some actual gay members of the list who would be thoroughly offended by your use of the term to mean something negative.

That's kind of his point :) Been in the scene long?
This happens every year or so to someone in the scene. It's nothing
new since even before I've been around. Then again, I only came
around in 1999.

Though I am not homosexual, I do know many friends in the industry
who are. It's sad that people still do not consider them to have the same
possibility for intellectual capacity as heterosexuals. I find this especially
sad in an industry that boasts so many individuals with an above average

But, hey... while we're at it.. why don't we disqualify women's opinions
from security as well. Or latinos... Hey, I'm latino. Sucks for me...

Don "north" Bailey
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