This isn't confidential Yahoo information.  It's not even confidential
ADP information -- any company who uses ADP's probusiness workcenter has
subjected its employees to this ridiculous password complexity

On Sun, Mar 12, 2006 at 08:41:18AM -0800, SO SECURITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE wrote:
>   Do you, uh, Yahoo?
>   It appears no action will be taken against a Yahoo employee who disclosed 
> confidential corporate side security information (with screenshots) to his 
> weblog. This obviously gives the green light for anyone at Yahoo to do the 
> same in the future. Why have a Yahoo policy if its not going to be inforced? 
> Regardless of the security value of the blog entry, a clear breach of the 
> confidentiality agreement between Yahoo and ADP has been made. Yahoo's 
> response was "Jeremy is Jeremy, he can blog about anything he wants." Making 
> it sound like if you're a celebrity Yahoo blogger then you can walk all over 
> company policy. ADP were unavailable for comment at time of this message 
> being submitted to Full-Disclosure mailing list.
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