    Someone else thats helpful! Thanks man!

Gary E. Miller wrote:
> Yo Simon!
> On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, Simon Smith wrote:
> >>     Encoding a username and password combination using base64 is not
> >> secure, but, I understand why it is encoded in base64. Having said
> that,
> >> I am trying to discover/create an alternate method for authentication
> >> that is secure even if the SSL pipe is compromised.
> If you do not like HTTP AUTH in SSL then why not just step up to HTTP
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_auth_digest.html
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gary E. Miller Rellim 20340 Empire Blvd, Suite E-3, Bend, OR 97701
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel:+1(541)382-8588
> -- 
> Regards,
>     Jackass

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