My friend,
I posted an e-mail about this kind of thing a few months back. I was
saddened to see no effect. I have something like 600 unread e-mail in my
FD box, I'd say around 200 of them MAY be worth reading.

I used to love this list, I subscribe to Bugtraq now. Nuff said.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frederic
Sent: 21 March 2006 16:48
Subject: [Full-disclosure] Noise on the list

Hello everybody,

I subscribed to this mailing list in 2004 just to keep me informed about
some useful tips and the latest issues/problems in the software packages
i'm using for my everyday computing habits.

I had a hard time to keep up with the flow of mails in the beginning,
but it was still manageable.
The n3td3v trolling case several months ago was annoying, but still
Then came the fake advisories spamming, i was a bit pissed by the
ammount of mails to delete, but didn't care much more than that.
Then the  animal porn drawings spamming: this time, i was seriously
considering leaving the list and i felt sorry for the huge waste of
valuable bandwidth and disk space.

Now, i'm afraid to read any mail with the [Full-disclosure] header,
because nowadays you have to dig through childish and
mine-is-bigger-than-yours messages to actually find some interesting and
valuable information.

I know that's the price to pay for an unmoderated list, but the noise
level reached a level i could not tolerate and i will leave this list by
the end of the week.

It seems that unmoderated list works only for mature people and those
that keep silent when they have nothing to say...

Come on people, how old are you ??

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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