After just a few hours of scanning (I have to start somewhere} I have located quite a few routers that have their manufacturers password still set not to mention loads of Windows machines that have port 139 open AND have write access to the whole of the C: Drive in some instances.

There goes 'ethical' right there. You didn't have permission to scan, and certainly didn't have a right to try to login to routers you found (their failure to secure it is not a defense since you knew it wasn't yours).

My question - since it is these machines that I understand will be the computers that the hacker will use to hide him/her self and given that there are tools around - just that I don't know of one yet - WHY doesn't someone send a message to these machines that the owner will see and ASK them politely to close up these holes? Perhaps something along the "net send" command.

I'll bet their/your ISP would absolutly *love* that.

If given the knowledge I'd be happy to devote a day or so doing just this. Currently I don't yet have enough skills.

It's real easy. Just look into the use of 'smbclient' with the -M option. This is better than doing it in windows because you can fake th e "from" address in the message.


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