Paul Schmehl wrote:

On 4/14/06, *bkfsec* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

I think you're confused. This is what the US will be saying to the
    regressive, fascist, corrupt neo-conservative movement.

Just like they have in all the previous elections, huh?

Actually, yes - that's precisely what they've said in the previous elections. Losing the popular vote in 2000 with a contested election result. Contested results in 2004 that were rejected by congress, forcing a republican congress to selectively elect Bush in 2004 (Well, the congressional vote really happened in 2005). Yes, the people have rejected the neo-con government at every turn. It's just too bad the government hasn't noticed.

The "political mandate" on the right is based on their egotistical and false impression that they somehow represent the common man.


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