For legal reasons this is not a Secunia advisory.
Any republication of this advisory to the Secunia
website or to attach the Secunia URL to the bottom
of my advisory via the Full-Disclosure mailing list is
bad pratice. I'm now
investigating all the advisories on the Secunia website
which have been stolen as intellectual property, reworded
without prior consent of the authors. n3td3v will be in touch
to list all the advisories believed to be in violation of copyright
law and will be contacting the original owners of advisories to
make them away Secunia are liable. As for the footer message,
it fails to say its not affiliated with advisories. When you subscribe
at grok.org.uk, you are not made aware that
Secunia is affiliated with the mailing list and fails to warn users that
a Secunia URL will be placed at the bottom of a user or company disclosure. To
use the argument that "You knew when Subscribing to FD that Secunia
would attach their URL to the bottom of my advisory" is flawed, And I
am still investigating weather to say anything post to Full-Disclosure
straight away intellectual property of Secunia, giving them supposed
legal right to
republish any advisory on the list in any way they see fit. However,
because no prior warning of
this at grok.org.uk is given, then there must be an illegal loophole
somewhere, which I am still researching. Findings will be published as
they become apparent.
(c)2006 n3td3v

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