Hash: RIPEMD160

Aaron Gray wrote:
> I am suggesting that we all cooperate and produce a "Code of Conduct"
> for participating on the Full Disclosure mailing list.
> Suggested start :-
>     1) No Swearing
>     2) No slagging others off
>     3) No selling of exploits and vulnerabilities

4) Rename it "SecurityFocus FD"

Your number 2 is half the fun of this list. It makes people think twice
before posting something senseless. Though it isn't 100% effective, it
is better than having a paid moderator deleting messages.

Put in a swear filter. Net Nanny or something.

I do appreciate your goal, however this is a dirty and nasty arena. It
was designed to be an alternative to the cleansed and censored corporate
controlled lists.

I must say, FD is still friendlier than the underground BBSs of the 80's
& 90's. Good times.

Randal T. Rioux | Procyon Labs
IT Security R&D and Consulting
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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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