On Thu, 25 May 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 25 May 2006 12:27:07 EDT, Scott Forrest said:

I would think it would be a matter of negligence if the previous IT
Consultant setup wireless access for Hotel Customers to use that also
had direct access to the Hotel's network in some way that a virus could
jump to their business servers. That just doesn't sound like "sound" or
"secure" planning.

All too many networks are set up by a McSE (You want fries with that?) who
wouldn't know a secure network if it bit them on the ass.  And having been
bitten, they'd remove all the secure network's teeth to prevent further bites.

Ahh yes. I've known too many MCSEs who seem to be under the impression that if you can't authenticate to the domain, you're not "on the network", and you're not able to do any damage.


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