One thing to add:

This is one group, with 21,000 cards per month (that we know about) and
law enforcement estimates about $500.00 per card in average loss. At
that rate, in 3 months, one carding group causes $10,500,000.00 in loss.
And this carding group is at the low end of the totem poll.

Lance James wrote:
> Hi all,
> We took one sample of one carding/phishing forum that our Global
> Surveillance Center was monitoring and sampled the set into a graph that
> lists the top 10 banks and the losses over the last month. As you can
> see, it's obvious who the top credit card companies are out there, but
> at the same time, we can see an ever increasing on the top targets but
> not necessarily an increase on the lower tiers over the entire three
> months, but in the first two we see a significant increase in success
> with stolen credit cards in general. In this case, the loss that we
> captured (which probably isn't nearly the number captured by this forum)
> was a little over 21,000 credit cards.
> Thought this might interest some, and if this is interesting, we are
> going to be providing a graph of the losses of top targets with malware
> in the upcoming weeks.
> Attached is the chart.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Best Regards,
Lance James
Secure Science Corporation
Author of 'Phishing Exposed'
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