On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 20:20:26 BST, n3td3v said:

> Valdis falls into example 2 of my discussion:
> 2. The guy who went to high school past grades, have friends, socail
> circles, go out and live a great life.

Don't presume to be sure over which example I'm more like.  Also, you
seem to be convinced that there's a binary distinction, and that nobody
can be a member of both groups at once.

Also, note the context of the original question:

> > systems and understand the weakness that allows it so I can avoid it
> > later.

The skillset of a good defender (who is trying to "avoid it later") is quite
different from the skillset of a good attacker.  Now, if he had been asking
how to be a good attacker, he'd have gotten a different list of suggestions...

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