I had not seen a realistic, working public example until I picked up on this just the other day. Granted, it's sketchy on details, but assuming it is a honest example it is impressive.


Everything else seemed to reference the original 1985 article on the subject by Van Eck where he used a television to pick up the signal from a VDU.


On 8/18/06, J. Oquendo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Paul Sebastian Ziegler wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi list,
> Can anybody tell me how far evolved this technique is today and who uses
> it? Maybe some reference to a whitepaper or something similar. Would be
> great.
Did you mean Van Eck Phreaking... EM eavesdropping, or TEMPEST itself.
TEMPEST is the solution for EM eavesdropping. If you're talking about
Van Eck Phreaking, I'm not sure you're going to get much information
from people explaining how they're doing it (eavesdropping) and what
they're using to do it. That "WOULD/COULD" be akin to a criminal walking
into a police station explaining how he robbed that bank. TSCM has a lot
of information on this kind of stuff http://www.tscm.com/ and a lot of
knowledgeable people who interact with each other. You might be better
off seeing what's happening in governmentland though:

See their reference notes:

J. Oquendo
sil . infiltrated @ net http://www.infiltrated.net

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