On 9/22/06, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--On Thursday, September 21, 2006 17:14:40 -0700 Shawn Merdinger

> Zachary McGrew has discovered and reported that the FiWin SS28S WiFi
> VoIP SIP/Skype Phone with firmware version 01_02_07 has VxWorks Telnet
> open with a hardcoded user/pass of 1/1.  Various debug commonds enable
> viewing SIP credentials, WEP keys, etc. on the phone.
> More details here:
> http://www.osnews.com/story.php/15923/Review-FiWin-SS28S-WiFi-VoIP-SIPSky
> pe-Phone/
The engineers who designed this should be summarily fired.  The terminal
stupidity of it is mind boggling!

I still find default passwords on ATM machines even more stupid :-D Especially when it allows you to reconfigure the machine into thinking that it gave you 4 times less money than it really did.

Not only default passwords on ATM machines concern me, but also remote monitoring/management software for ATM machines. If you think I got this idea from a cyberpunk movie then check out the following link:


One of the interesting features that the pro version of WebRMS includes is "ATM Configuration Settings":
http://www.tranax.com/products/webrms/package.cfm?pkg=pro.cfm (click on "Feature comparison")

I hope that *doesn't* mean that the ATM machine hacked reported on Wired magazine can also be done remotely!:


What can I say, we humans are stupid by design.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas

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