trust me I live here for 10 years in Boston and people  in the US mostly
in Indiana is the most fascist and patriotic people I ever seen in my
life! I try to take it as a good thing but sometimes it just to much
reminds me to much to
obscure fascist goverments from the pass...

**runs away and hide***

> Yep!  There you go now!
> Right there is the perfect example of the ignorant, ugly American.
> You had best start examining your own history a little more closely
> Paul, and stop believing everything your Government and the
> complicit American media tells you.
> The sooner that you and the rest of your patriotic right-wing trash
> wake up, the better off the rest of the world will be.
> Love,
> Ninja.
> On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 01:51:05 +1000 Paul Schmehl
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> --On Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:13:44 -0400 y0himba
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> <SoapBox>
> >>>     <OffTopic>
> >>>
> >>> I was surprised.  I would have thought someone of your
> >> intelligence would
> >>> be above common low-brow racism and insults.  Racism is
> >> yesterday.
> >>> Racism is for pathetic, no life Internet punks trying to get
> >> attention
> >>> and appear cool to people they will never meet.
> >>>
> >>> Today American people suffer from fear of anyone who appears
> >> Arab or
> >>> Middle Eastern in appearance.  This fear is induced by
> >> government and
> >>> media.  I am a Lebanese American, born and raised here.  My
> >> Grandparents
> >>> and assorted relatives came over "on the boat" so to speak.  We
> >> are all
> >>> Middle Eastern in appearance and ancestry.  When 9/11 happened,
> >> I had to
> >>> deal with bricks through my windows, death threats to myself, my
> >> "white"
> >>> wife and our darker skinned children, and the killing of our
> >> family pet
> >>> dog. My Grandparents and Parents went though the death threats
> >> and broken
> >>> windows, and the police refused to place a car outside the home
> >> for
> >>> whatever reason.
> >>>
> >> I'm not suffering from any such fear.  I don't know anyone who is.
> >> I am,
> >> however, determined to not allow some 14th century idiots,
> >> infected with a
> >> most virulent strain of anti-semitism and a profound admiration
> >> for Hitler
> >> and infested with a salacious love of murder (that is exercised
> >> primarily
> >> on their own people!) to control me or my country or any other
> >> country for
> >> that matter.
> >>
> >> May we assume that you would condemn equally the racism that is so
> >> rampant
> >> in the mideast as you do the racism that exists in America?  What
> >> about
> >> those who cloak themselves in the flag of Islam while outrageously
> >>
> >> violating its most basic tenets?  Will you condemn them as well?
> >>
> >> Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >> Adjunct Information Security Officer
> >> The University of Texas at Dallas
> >>
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