I tried this on Paypal.com, with more than twenty consecutive incorrect
passwords.  I got no such offer.  What paypal site were you using, and
how many unsuccessful attempts is a couple?


3APA3A wrote:
> Dear full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk,
>   I  was  trying to remember the password for my older PayPal account in
>   order to close it. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts I've got an
>   offer....  to  close  this account if I don't remember the password. I
>   clicked  the link. It showed me current state (actually 0) and warned,
>   because  it less than $1.5 it will not be funded. OK. I click "close".
>   Now, guess what?
>   account was closed (NO confirmation by e-mail, only "We are sorry that
>   you have decided to close your PayPal account.").
>   I'm quite unexperienced with PayPal, becase it's service for Russia is
>   new and very limited. But it makes me wonder: is this "Feature" known?

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