This input is literally weeks late, but I'm making the effort anyway.

To anyone on this list that actually knows me, I'd like to throw
in my personal encouragement to participate in Doctor/Professor/Mr.
Holt's research study.  I know the guy personally.  He's been to at
least one party at the "Vandal Estate", which is like a 3-hour drive
from his house to mine.  That either means his social life is pretty
desperate or I have kickass parties worth the drive.  But now I've
digressed rapidly, and back to the message purpose.  He is employed
by UNC-C, as anyone can verify with minimal effort.
Bottom line is he's a good and trustworthy guy, and isn't trying to
get anyone to incriminate themselves or anything evil like that.  He
often tries to understand and develop some "unified theory" of what
drives individuals to become "hackers", purely from an academic
motivation.  I don't want to slant his goal, but the way "I" see
it is "what drives an individual to reverse-engineer, test, and/or
break technological systems", or "how and why does a hacker become
a hacker, and how does that individual view their own activity or
behavior along those lines".  That's my interpretation anyway, for
what it's worth.  He drops related questions in other settings often
enough, in his recurring quest for knowledge and understanding.  He
does a lot of other things in his work and life of course, but that
is my two cents on the topic being replied to.

I'll also add that his research findings will only have any value
if he gets "quality" participants.  That can mean a lot of things,
but I think the main characteristic would be anyone who has had any
"gray or black hat" tendencies at times...who can honestly and
clearly explain how they came about those tendencies.

Of course "don't be stupid" in any participation, but please take
one hour of your time to participate if you can spare it.  I'm sure
he appreciates the few comments/advice thrown out here, but what
he really needs are answers to his specific survey questions.  My
added advice to any potential participants is;
- don't list any specific legal lines you may have crossed using
any details that could tie you as the respondent to any specific
- don't include any details that could identify your identity, via
survey data aggregation or otherwise,
- communicate with Doctor/Professor Holt using anonymous single-use
e-mail accounts only,
- don't bother trying to collect the $10, unless you really need
it and don't care about any associated risk to your anonymity via
collecting and using it
(yeah I know, "duh"...but I said it all anyway)

That way even if the data is subpoenaed, it holds no value to those
who might use it for purposes not intended by Doctor/Professor Holt
(as someone wisely noted the possibility).  I don't know what his
deadline is, but obviously the sooner the better so he can start the
huge task of compiling and analyzing results.  I do know no deadline
has passed yet.

Thus wraps up my endorsement/reference, to those who know and trust
me.  Sure I should have pinged people individually with that message,
but the shotgun approach works for me because I'm admittedly lazy.
For the record I did participate, as anonymously and vaguely as I
felt necessary (while sharing some honest thoughts and personal
history that I hope held some value towards the goal).

Vic - CISSP, SSCP, HIJKLMNOP, etc. (cough)

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