On Sun, 07 Jan 2007 16:08:23 +0100, endrazine said:

> > yes that's correct but don't forget that hashes can collide
> >
> > it could be the case that:
> >
> can ? could ? might ? Do you have any mathematical prouve or are you
> just guessing ?

It's a pretty easy proof actually.  If your password input routine allows
more different passwords than there are possible hashes, you *will* have
collisions.  For instance, if you use a 64-bit hash, and reasonable-length
passwords, you can create more than 2**64 of them, and 2 *have* to


> xhash("$Up3$tr0n9 # [EMAIL PROTECTED]") == xhash("1234") and you don't even
> > need the original strong one ;)
> what hashing algorithm is being use ? Is a collision realistic ? How
> much time would it take to actually break a given hash ?

If you're using anything resembling a sane hash (such as MD5 or similar),
what happens is that you basically ignore the hash collisions - because
rather than "1234", your colliding password/phrase is probably a 32-byte
or so
string, which is likely not even enterable at the keyboard (it ends up
A # ctl-b 9 e alt-control-meta-$ etcetc - of the 32, likely only 10 or so
of the characters are from the 96-char printable ASCII set, and there's a
chance that at least several of the bytes are ones you can't enter from
keyboard at all....)

Well I think you should not ignore those collisions, in some cases binary
data could be entered as a password for example when sent over the network
so... do not count on having to type it on a keyboard machines can do that
for you ;).

BTW for that still do not beleive this bug is a BIG hole well... as an
example a friend of mine broke into a website about 2 days ago "reversing"
an MD5 hash. Using a similar bug in one of those php instant website
creation tools that disclosed the administrator password hash using some
sort of SQL injection. He was using a program similar to John the Ripper and
asked me for help since that was taking very long and he had no idea about
rainbow tables. I simply told him to use one of those online Rainbow tables
an the thing ended taking only a couple of minutes. And he was only learning
about SQL injection and was only one hash that popped when you typed in your
browser some sort of URL containing that SQL stuff. No imagine when you have
the whole database. No... is not BIG, is HUGE.

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