> I agree with you KF , that's why I do not recommand iDEFENSE in my 
> forum's footer since some times now.
> They are just playing on the fact they are alone , or they were alone 
> for a long time on this market, and they do
> not wish to do any effort, making loads of dollars with us , to say 
> clean , they sucks.
> AD
I am pretty sure no one noticed that I chose to gpg encrypt the Veritas 
exploits with lines from Pop Goes the Weasel last year...

22. VERITAS-Linux.pl.gpg - 'Veritas NetBackup <= 6.0 (bpjava-msvc) 
Remote Exploit (linux)'
      pass: allaroundthemulberrybush

21. VERITAS-OSX.pl.gpg - 'Veritas NetBackup <= 6.0 (bpjava-msvc) Remote 
Exploit (OSX)'
      pass: themonkeychasedtheweasel

20. VERITAS-WIN32.pl.gpg - 'Veritas NetBackup <= 6.0 (bpjava-msvc) 
Remote Exploit (WIN32)'
      pass: apennyforaneedle

check the interpretations section on Wikipedia for a hint as to why I 
may have done that.
(hint: it has something to do with getting paid in peanuts!).



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