Hi All,

For some work i wanted to replay the traffic which i captured using
the ethereal.i searched the net but i have not found any good tool for
windows(there are many for *nix) so i decided to code my own.so here
it is PReplay - a traffic replay tool. i hope it will be helpful to
you all.
from the read me:
PReplay is a utility to send the captured data.Its main feature is
that it will keep the timediffrence between two packets(no very
accuratly but it works with some micro/millisecond diffrence)
it reads the capture file and then determine the time diffrence for
the next packet.

you can give list of capture file which you want to send in the
Preplay.ini in the [SendingFileName] section as bellow:

; is used for comment and that line will not be read.so you can
comment out the file name which you dont want to send as
it will not send 2nd file.

SendingFilePath, here you can specify teh directoy which contains the
captured files.

download this tool from here:

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