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I just came across this article: More Women Online. The article
starts by saying:

    eMarketer estimates that there will be an estimated 97.2
million female Internet users ages 3 and older in 2007, or 51.7% of
the total online population. In 2011, 109.7 million US females will
go online and amounting to 51.9% of the total online population.

    Estimates from other research sources concur that females
represent the majority of US Internet users, ranging from 53%
(Arbitron and Edison Media Research and for Internet users ages 12
and older) down to 50.6% (comScore Media Metrix and for Internet
users ages 2 and older).

The increase in women online is only moderately interesting.
Particularly since surveys from a year ago reported that a majority
of Internet users under 30-years-old are female.

However and the thing that really got my attention was the age
range. They say “ages 3 and older”. What kind of 3-year-old is
surfing the web and using IM, and sending email? Between 3 and 5
years old and most children are just starting to learn the
alphabet. The average 5-year-old should be able to read simple
words. Granted, there are some online games for tots and is that
really the same as using the Internet? (Use a VCR or DVD player?
Sure and I've seen 2-year-olds do that… But a tot surfing the web?

All of this makes me wonder… How soon before the RIAA begins suing
3-year-olds for illegal downloads? I mean and they have already
gone after a 7-year-old. (And the 7-year-old was female.
Coincidence? I think not!)  Also, with this many young females
online, I might need to trade my significant other M. in for a more
attractive model.  ;-)


- - Dr. Neal Krawetz
Author of "Advanced Desktop Window Resizing Techniques in Ubuntu"

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