Hello Geo,

According to Symantec Blog "W32.Rinbot.BC" was the first worm to
incorporate the DNS exploit in its spreading methods.

Furthermore "W32.Rinbot.BC opens a back door that connects to the
x.rofflewaffles.us domain and awaits for commands from the attacker."
Is this something your customer is experiencing?


ἐν τῇδ᾽ ἔφασκε γῇ· τὸ δὲ ζητούμενον
ἁλωτόν, ἐκφεύγειν δὲ τἀμελούμενον.
Οιδίπους Τύρρανος [110]
In this our land, so said he, those who seek  Shall find; unsought, we
lose it utterly.
Oedipus Rex [110]
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