Well, in response:

1) If the Month of BS that you are spraying is all you can contribute to the
security community, you are leagues behind Jericho who heads the OSVDB, VIM
and does many other countless things, tirelessly day in and day out.

2) Who cares? If the FBI or RCMP (in my case from Canada) comes knocking at
my door, and they ask "Hey, we know script kiddie XYZ sent you details on
how they bypassed the Net Nanny filters at their high school." I wouldn't
lose any sleep handing out info, I doubt neither would you.

3) No one is really sure what you are after here? Most people, like HD, did
the month of.. To open the eyes of vendors, fame, tool releases, etc. This
seems strange? Maybe lame responses like my own are the reason why?

Aside from that, you are barking up the wrong tree going after Jericho......


> Following suit to the "month of" bugs - we are pleased to 
> announce the disclosures of cooperating snitches liars and 
> conmen in the industry. We present our second Hackerrat with 
> an eye opening Jericho
> Jericho (Brian Martin) and his cohorts at the website 
> Attrition were at one time mining hacker information for the 
> FBI. They will swear they didn%u2019t an offer a barrage of 
> verbally crafted nonsense to deter the truth about their 
> actions, but we know better. This information or 
> (Disinformation) comes via an earlier write up on the 
> Hackerrat terrorist known as Mark Maiffret and eEye Security.
> So how does Jericho tie into eEye anyway? Simple he does so 
> via way of Dale Coddington aka Punkis who worked at eEye. 
> Snitches of a feather flock together. See it worked like 
> this, once upon a time there was #dc-stuff, no wait, some may 
> not be ready for that. krystlia, malvu and other miscreants
> . Anynow there was Brian Martin hacking the NYTimes as HFG. 
> (don%u2019t worry Martin, I believe the US has a statute of 
> limitations). Never to be discovered perhaps because Adam 
> Penenburg would never disclose it, and perhaps because Martin 
> had some decent friends like Carole Fennelly. Why does 
> Jericho insist he never cooperated with the feds nor 
> disclosed any information to them. The truth is in front of 
> most, but most care not to look at the truth.
> Ask yourself logically, search any search engine, Lexis 
> Nexis, Google, find one instance of a case of federal agents 
> raiding someone's home and walking out without a suspect. 
> You'd have better luck getting struck by lightning. So what 
> happened after FBI agents raided Martin's house once upon a 
> time? Truth be told, he cooperated with authorities and 
> provided them with log records for moronic developmentally 
> challenged idiots who were sending him proof of their hacks. 
> Thinks this is propaganda?
> Brian Martin's information is publicly available via what is 
> known in the United States as the Freedom of Information Act. 
> It is highly unlikely he'd appreciate this disclosure since 
> he would somehow have to prove everyone else except him is 
> lying. He would have to come back with discourse on how the 
> government is "out to get him" by carefully, selectively and 
> willfully injecting disinformation into his life records. Not 
> plausible. So a huge greeting to the federal snitch known as 
> Jericho and his gang of buddies at Attrition. This month's 
> second biggest federal snitch.
> http://hackerwars.blogsome.com/
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