On Sun, 17 Jun 2007 04:36:46 +0200, Martin Zimmermann said:

> > not only is the second internet being built incase the first one gets
> > attaced, infact the government plan to eventually switch everyone over
> > to the second internet because its being built with security in mind.
> >
> Shhhhh, dont tell anybody.. But theres a super secret web 1.0 page for
> the choosen few. Since everybody knows you are a ûberhacker I guess we
> better let you in on it.. -> http://www.internet2.edu/ .And make sure

Actually, that's not the second Internet in case the first one gets whacked.

That's just a research network for high-bandwidth communications.

The *real* second network could be one or more of:

1) An IPv6-based network, which supposedly includes security.  To be honest,
the Emperor is wearing some new really slick new threads here - the IPv6
"security" is basically that the same IPSEC AH/ESP stuff that nobody uses
on IPv4 needs to be supported for a "compliant" IPv6 network stack, while it's
an "optional" for IPv4. Some progress. ;)

2) The networks that DISA and friends run for various parts of the
US government. (Hint - Google for 'DISN' - most of the hits on the first
page will take you interesting places.)

3) Something else. ;)

Hint:  Look at the sites listed here: http://www.carrierhotels.com/properties/
and then ask yourself who interconnects at which telco hotels, and who
has currently dark fiber capacity into and and out of the cities involved.
Remember that for a "second internet" to be *useful*, it needs connections
to all the places that need to be on the "second internet".  And of course,
"need" is defined by the people paying for the fiber and the routers (you
ever *priced* a OC-192 card for a Juniper? Yowza. :)  Remember - you don't
*have* to be at One Wilshire or the Westin - but if your fiber ends someplace
else, the people you want to connect to will have to get fiber to the
someplace else... 

> 20 - 30 years ?? Im getting my Internet 2.0 fiber access on monday, but
> I do know "somewbody".

Welcome aboard, newcomer - some of us were connected to Abilene last century,
and have been on NLR since that got started... ;)

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