"we're not the official yahoo paranoids but want to input into the official
yahoo paranoids "mind think". let the yahoo paranoids know about anything
relating to security at yahoo. we only want to discuss real security issues
to do with yahoo data centers, yahoo employee conduct, yahoo technical
vulnerabilities, campus security, issues regarding yahoo security policy,
corporate espionage, hacker plots against yahoo infrastructure, yahoo hacker
sites, terrorist activity and other issues. ***this site is not for asking
questions, its simply a place to report really serious stuff that you think
yahoo need to be aware of. yahoo official paranoids are aware of this group
and monitor whats posted, this is your platform to let them and the public
at large be aware of yahoo issues that are important to you. sometimes full
public exposure of yahoo internal and external yahoo issues will help the
official yahoo paranoids to take your issue more seriously and fix it more
rapidly than if it were reported privately. this group is restricted to the
underground and professional security community. applications to join the
group will be strictly vetted, random e-mail addresses and aliases are not
welcome here, you must validate where you're coming from in the security
community. you must state your company name, or website you are part of to
be part of the unofficial yahoo paranoids team. we're not here to hear about
your yahoo password has been changed or that you want to report yahoo
general abuse, we focus on high agenda topics at the forefront of cutting
edge corporate security."

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