On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 09:39:33PM -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-07-10 at 20:20 -0400, Bob Toxen wrote:

> > The vendor (Wachovia Bank) was notified via their customer service
> > phone number on June 25.  We were transferred to "web support".  The
> > person answering asked us to FAX the details to her and we did so,
> > also on June 25.  We explained that we were reporting a severe
> > security problem on their web site.

> Severe?  All that seems to be leaked is a person's Name/Address/SSN
> number and some other details.  While this is too much info to leak, I'd
> hardly say it's severe.   That same info can be easily found in people's
> mailboxes weekdays between noon and 4pm.
Leaking a SSN is considered serious.  My use of the term "severe" was
to get their attention.

> > We stated that that if we did not hear back from them within 7 days and
> > the problem was not fixed by then that we would post the problem on the
> > Full Disclosure list, following accepted industry practice.

> 7 days?   "industry practice"?   Come on Bob I know you know that large
> corporations can't feed a cat in 7 days let alone make unscheduled
> website changes that fast.  Change control approvals alone would include
> 14 or more days in most enterprises.   Why the rush to "say so"?
Please read my posting more carefully.  I stated that if I did not
hear back within 7 days and the problem persisted then I would disclose
it.  All they had to do was to ask for more time and I would have granted
any reasonable extension.  Instead, it appears that they ignored my
report; discouraging that is what Full Disclosure is all about, IMO.

I think that that web page should have been shut down within the
hour as any competent web person could have confirmed the leak with
a few minutes' inspection of the page source.

> -Jim P.

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