thus cybergoth spake:
> Interesting movie about religion, conspiracy and shit 

Sicko --

Who Killed the Electric Car? --

Loose Change --

NB: Korey Rowe's Arrest Makes Him A Political Prisoner

So, remember: 2 + 2 = 5

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Timo Schoeler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 7:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] most powerful supercomputer, etc.
> thus [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake:
>> Net-Dev's current alias wrote:
>> ------------------------------
>> "just like the u.s intelligence
>> services allowed a foreign government
>> or terrorist group such as al queda
>> to do 9/11 as a proof of concept
>> to show the american people that a
>> "war on terror" was necessary."
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> And FDR allowed the Japs to bomb Pearly Harbor, and Lincoln allowed the
>> attack on Ft Sumter.
>> Hell... Even Leonidas allowed Xerxes to encircle him to help create a
>> legend.
>> Normally, I would feel obligated to point out that you're an idiot, but
>> your reputation is already well established and that won't be necessary.
> No, you are wrong; why does the U.S. government NOT disclose legal
> evidence that 'it was not an inside job'?
> (...)
>> Timo Schoeler wrote:
>> --------------------
>> maybe some time you realize
>> that there are only about 500
>> idiots world-wide that make people
>> (i.e. blatant idiots like soldiers)
>> fight against each other?
>> soldiers are murderers... period.
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Too bad I missed it in the first place, to combined reply qua this email:
>> 1) Given your last statement, you should probably consider yourself lucky
>> that you aren't in the geographical vicinity of THIS former soldier.
> Huh? Totally regardless of the time one lives in, soldiers are
> murderers. Do you have any argumentation against this, i.e. proof that
> soldiers do NOT kill other people on behalf of some other idiot that
> gives order to do so?
>> 2) People who are prone to silly conspiracy theories should perhaps be a
>> bit less sanguine about calling OTHER people idiots.
> See above; proof that 9/11 was NOT an inside job and you did much more
> on this topic than the U.S. government; until you can do so, you could
> provide health care to those wounded (firefighters, policemen etc) there
> -- the U.S. government did NOT (they had to travel to Cuba to get help).
>> 3) Your ability to sleep peacefully in your bed at night, then wake up and
>> insult your betters; was granted to you BY a soldier.
> Wrong. The neccessity that the RED ARMY had to fight Nazis was risen by
> SOLDIERS (German Nazis). Did you miss logics AND history in school?
> (Seems so, otherwise YOU would KNOW that the U.S. entered the war on the
> European Continent much too late to have an enemy to fight; it was
> already superweak, thanks to the Russians.)
>> In your case, you are
>> NOT welcome.
> Go F*** yourself, kid. Or even better, try to get decent health care and
> education -- almost impossible in the U.S. It takes only five lines of
> the 'Star-spangled banner' to see what it's all about in the U.S.:
> O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
> What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
> Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight
> O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
> And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> "Whatever war can do, peace can do better."
> (Desmond Mpilo Tutu)

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