there have always been these vluns

On 10/6/07, Geo. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thierry Zoller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > The user clicks on a mailto link, is that untrusted code?
> Depends on where the link comes from. If it's a shortcut on the users
> desktop no it's not untrusted, if it's in a PDF file you received in your
> email then yes it's untrusted.
> > Anyways, the mailto link
> > POST IE7 has a flaw/threat/vulnerablity it hasn't had PRE IE7.
> > The problem here is the root cause, the root cause is that IE7
> Ok I'm game, so then show me this exploit without having Acrobat on your
> system. IE7 handles mailto links in untrusted web pages. Put the mailto
> link
> in an untrusted html page and make it work with IE7.
> Geo.
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