>My question is the following: does this sound sane to you? Do you
>really believe that someone will let you do all that, without causing
>chaos? Laptops are good because they are mobile. You are allowed to
>take them out and work from home. At home you have your own network
>which you would like to connect to. Even if you use a different
>account on that same laptop to connect to that network, the risk is
>still there. A system is as secure as the weakest link.

This seems a rational observation. A system that cannot be used due to
"appropriate" security precautions is a useless system. When you make
security too onerous for end users, they subvert it, and who can blame
them? Their primary responsibility, at least in the commercial world, is
to get their assigned duties completed. When computer security begins to
seriously interfere or hamper that goal, then we have become their
enemy, not their ally. It's the same old story, computer security is
something you have, end user trust; and something you know, I must (and
can) allow my end users to get their jobs done timely and securely. 

Daniel Sichel, CCNP, MCSE
Network Engineer
Ponderosa Telephone 

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